Investments in Agroecology Value Chains Project (IAVCP) is an IFAD funded programme that focuses on identifying viable business opportunities linked to agroecology clusters and value chains, providing investment support for integrated agroecology production systems, and offering grants to MSMEs and agroecology Producer Organization Enterprises (POE) to improve their value addition and market linkages.

It aims to promote integrated sustainable production systems through grants, technical assistance and ecosystem support for MSEs and POEs. The objective is to improve their businesses, enhance their agroecological outcomes, and provide tangible benefits to small producers in the value chain. The following three aspects distinguish the IAVCP from traditional value chain investment programmes and will be used to judge a project’s suitability for investment.

Aspect # 1: Integration of Agroecological Principles
Aspect # 2: Impact on Small Holder Farmers/Small & Marginal Producers
Aspect # 3: Sustainability & Financial Viability of the Business

Objective of the Fund :

Incubating and strengthening enterprises & producer collectives engaged in agroecology-based businesses through grant provision and technical assistance for integrating them into sustainable food systems